26/10/2005 09:55
Re: Opera за Proxy с паролем:.

Народ, помогите, посмотрите что не так!!! Нифига не работает любимая Опера!!!!!
Причем теперь даже не ругается, т.е. просто чистый лист, а внизу в строке загрузки страницы, при нажатии "обновить" появляется "Отправка запроса _//www.tra-la-la.ru_" на 5 сек. и всё - чистый лист.
В самой Опере следующая настройка в настройке сети:
localhost порт:3128
Использовать прокси для лок.серверов - стоит птица.
Использовать HTTP 1.1.
Короче хоть с птицами, хоть без - не работает

В досовском происходит следующее (последние четыре цифры увеличиваются до бесконечности):

NTLM authorization Proxy Server v0.9.8 at "xxxxxxxxx:3128".
2001-2002 (C) by Dmitry Rozmanov
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Мой server.cfg такой:



# If you want APS to authenticate you at WWW servers using NTLM then just leave this
# value blank like PARENT_PROXY: and APS will connect to web servers directly.
# And NOTE that NTLM cannot pass through another proxy server.
PARENT_PROXY: (это стоит в настройках IE в настройках LAN)

PARENT_PROXY_PORT:8080 (это стоит в настройках IE в настройках LAN)

# Set to 1 if you want to grant this authorization service to clients from other computers.
# NOTE: all the users from other hosts that will be using you copy of APS for authentication
# will be using your credentials in NTLM auth at the remote host.

# If you want to allow some other but not all computers to use your proxy for authorization,
# just set ALLOW_EXTERNAL_CLIENTS:0 and put friendly IP addresses here.
# Use space as a delimiter.
# NOTE that special addesses don't work here ( for example).

# Requested URLs are written to "url.log" file. May be useful.


# This section describes what and how the server should change in the clients headers.
# Made in order to prevent parent proxy from seeing that you are using wget instead of IE5.5

Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/, application/msword, application/, */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)

# for windows 2000 emulation
# User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT5)

# You can uncomment these chages in client's header to mimic IE5+ better, but in this case
# you may expirience problems with *.html if your client does not really handle compression.
#Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate


# Optional value, if leaved blank then APS will use gethostname() to determine
# host's name.
# NOTE1: If you Linux host name differs from Windows host name then it may be that
# MS server wont recognize you host at all and wont grant you access
# to resources requested. Then you have to use this option and APS will use
# this name in NTLM negotiations.
# NOTE2: There are several reports that you can successfully use "foreign" host name
# here. Say, if user may access a resource from 'host1' and may not from 'host2'
# then there is a chance that APS running on 'host2' with NT_HOSTNAME:host1 will
# be able to be granted access to the restricted resource. However use this on
# you own risk as such a trick may be considered as a hack or something.

# Windows Domain.
# NOTE: it is not full qualified internet domain, but windows network domain.

# What user's name to use during authorization. It may differ form real current username.

# Password. Just leave it blank here and server will request it at the start time.

# These two options replace old FULL_NTLM option.
# NTLM authentication consists virtually of two parts: LM and NT. Windows95/98 use
# only LM part, WindowsNT/2000 can use NT and LM or just NT part.
# Almost always using just LM part will be enough. I had several reports
# about LM and NT requirement and no about just NT.
# So try to setup 1, 1 only if you have enough reasons to do so and when you understand
# what you are doing.
# 0, 0 is an illegal combination
# NOTE: if you change these options then you have to setup flag option accordingly.

# Highly experimental option. See research.txt for details.
# LM - 06820000
# NT - 05820000
# LM + NT - 07820000
NTLM_FLAGS: 06820000

# This option makes APS try to translate NTLM authentication to very usual "Basic"
# scheme. Almost all http clients know it. With this option set to 1 user will be requested
# by his browser to enter his credentials and these username and password will be used by
# APS for NTLM authentication at MS Proxy server or Web server.
# In such a case different users can use one runnig APS with their own credentials.
# NOTE1: currently translation works so it allows only one try for entering
# username/password. If you make a mistake you will have to restart you browser.
# NOTE2: With debug:1 basic username/password will be written in log file in clear
# text format. I could try hide it, but the basic scheme is so weak that anybody
# who had access to APS would be able to get it.


# Set this to 1 if you want to see debug info in many log files. One per connection.

# Set this to 1 to get even more debug info.

# Set this to 1 to see some strange activity on screen. Actually you won't want it.

# Not actually a debug option but gives you some details on authentication process
# into *.auth logs. Also see research.txt.

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