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Новая еженедельная сборка
19/11/2010 10:51
Предлагаю новости о еженедельных сборках выкладывать в одном месте, например здесь.
Opera 9.1 First weekly build in 2007 Windows build 8692 / Mac build 3602 / UNIX build 536
Скачать Windows Classic (3950 Кб) Скачать Windows MSI (6287 Кб) Скачать для Macintosh Скачать для Unix
В ответ на: Changelog: • CSS height:inherit now inherits the computed value • Scripts in framesets now execute onload • Applets inserted with innerHTML can now be called by javascript • Fullscreen movies on youtube movies now start (please note that this might not work on Linux with Flash 9) • Fixed hang on Opera windows when starting Opera with a language file saved with mac style newlines • An invalid system locale no longer causes missing text • Capital letter "enctype" now doesn't break file uploads on ie virusscan.jotti.org • YouTube videos progress bar now updates • Images with broken exif data now display • Downloading a widget now only sends one GET request • Fixed 100% CPU when loading http:// • Fixed loading of netvibes.com • IRC /quit messages now work properly • Loading cnn.com now finishes properly • Transfer status on IRC improved • Fixed crash when performing 'copy link address' on a non-link • Spell checking works better on debian • Fixed crasher when trying to download a file to a full disk
Windows specific: • fixed failing startup with Mac formatted language files
Mac specific: • native OS X UI elements can now be used in skins
UNIX specific: • fixed invalid locale causing missing strings in the UI • add /usr/lib/ to search path for libaspell
Known issues: • Java not working • Version number not updated yet
Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка
31/08/2010 18:00
[Re: Lan]
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Opera 10.70 build 9036 Beta
Скачать Windows MSI (12,11 Мб) Скачать Windows Classic (10,25 Мб) Скачать для Macintosh (Intel-only) (14,67 Мб) Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux
В ответ на: Changelog
Core • CORE-30829 (Overlayed dialogs can be covered by plug-ins)
Cross-platform • DSK-311417 (Crash on expanding items in the mail panel)
Mac • DSK-305751 (More precise and faster menu updates) • DSK-309866 (Visual tab pop-ups are displayed on hover even when not in foreground) • DSK-309871 (Can become unresponsive when minimizing windows blocked by dialogs) • DSK-309875 (Active dialogs is sometime sent to background) • DSK-309897 (Speed dial configuration overlay does not always hide) • DSK-310513 (Security dialog is missing tab edges) • DSK-310906 (Blocking mail dialogs can block other blocking dialogs)
Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка
03/09/2010 18:02
[Re: Lan]
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Opera 10.62 RC1 Windows build 3499 / Mac build 8436 / UNIX build 6437
Скачать Windows MSI (12,17 Мб) Скачать Windows Classic (10,32 Мб) Скачать для Macintosh (Intel-only) (14,64 Мб) Скачать для Macintosh (Universal) (22,70 Мб) Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux
В ответ на: Changelog
Cross-platform • CORE-27623 (Fallback not displayed for Java types when plug-ins disabled) • CORE-30184 (Selection jumps while backspacing in rich text editor) • CORE-31963 (Opera crashes when searching on hotels.com) • CORE-32419 (More MIME file types and suffixes for compressed tar files) • DSK-300950 (Not clickable/selectable links/text) • DSK-307008 (Opera hung when leaving canvas/audio/javascript game) • DSK-308559 (hotmail.co.uk should be added to mailproviders.xml) • DSK-308722 (FastMail domains missing from mailproviders.xml) • DSK-310281 (Missing images in feed preview (media rss)) • DSK-311008 (Missing plugin dialog might cause a crash) • DSK-311558 (Crash after leaving a page with a flash with wmode="transparent") • DSK-311689 (Items disappearing from cache) • DSK-311738 (Bodyless documents crash in accessibility mode) • Fixed some crashes gathered from the automated crashlogging
Mac • DSK-305751 (Entering text is very slow on OSX 10.4 Tiger) • DSK-311676 (Enable on on demand plugins as default for Mac 10.4 and PPC)
UNIX • DSK-298758 (Drag and drop can hang after a drop (normally on a speed dial page)): additional fix • DSK-304220 (Dead keys and cyrillic fail if XMODIFIERS is set but an IME is not used) • DSK-307669 (Canceling a widget drag under Openbox crashes the WM causing the user to be logged out) • DSK-309799 (Memory leak in *nix geolocation)
Windows • DSK-304377 (Crash when downloading files in link panel)
Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка
16/09/2010 15:09
[Re: Lan]
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Opera 10.70 build 9047 Beta
Скачать Windows MSI (12,13 Мб)
Скачать Windows Classic (10,26 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (Intel-only) (14,71 Мб)
Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux
В ответ на: Hello Bookmarks Bar
In this build we introduce the new Bookmarks Bar. It replaces the old personal bar which was located above the Tab Bar, and is located below the Address Bar.
How to enable the Bookmarks Bar:
• Open the O Menu
• Select "Toolbars"
• Check the check mark for "Bookmarks Bar"
If you want the Bookmarks Bar to show in the old location of the Personal Bar:
• Open the "Appearance dialog (Shift + F12) > Toolbars"
• Click "Show hidden toolbars while customizing"
• Above the Address Bar a Bookmark Bar appears, click in once to mark it. (A Yellow outline shows around the bar)
• Click "Placement" And select "Top" inside the Appearance Dialog
• Mark the new Bookmarks Bar located below the Address Bar, and choose "Placement Off"
• Click OK
The Bookmarks Bar is now shown in the old location.
Known Issues
• DSK-313018 (Progress bar doesn't disappear until you hover the UI)
• DSK-311692 (Crash when opening from download dialog directly into Opera)
• Move Personal Bar below the Address Bar, and rename to Bookmarks Bar
• Improved keyboard navigation on Bookmarks Bar (using Tab to jump between items)
• "Toolbars" menu moved to the top level of the "O-menu"
• DSK-266440 (Default skin size for checkbox radio buttons should be 13x13px)
• CORE-30558 (Search for spaces in page matches seemingly random pieces of text)
Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка
16/09/2010 15:16
[Re: Lan]
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Opera 10.70 build 9048 Beta
Скачать Windows MSI (12,13 Мб) Скачать Windows Classic (10,27 Мб) Скачать для Macintosh (Intel-only) (14,71 Мб) Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux
В ответ на: Another round of UNIX fixes have been integrated in 10.70. Lots of love here, especially for those who select text to paste it with middle click.
• DSK-309591 (Opera crashes when running windowless plugins) • DSK-298758 (Drag and drop can hang after a drop (normally on a speed dial page)) • DSK-307702 (Importing Firefox bookmarks freezes Opera ) • DSK-303190 (Mouse selection doesn't copy to clipboard) • DSK-309128 (window.print() doesn't work in evenes) • DSK-306361 (Popup menus are poorly styled in GTK) • DSK-281352 (Import Firefox bookmarks file filter is broken in KDE) • DSK-310754 (Opera has no title in the ctwm window manager) • DSK-310375 (Opera has no icon in the twm or ctwm window managers) • DSK-309980 (X11 toolkit mode popup menu items should have a solid background color when selected) • DSK-309777 (Native skin elements aren't freed) • DSK-309984 (Focus cleanup) • DSK-309985 (Chat room subscription dialog opens underneath parent dialog) • DSK-311015 (Font configuration dialog is not activated properly) • DSK-309241 (Menus are as high as the screen and nearly empty in Gnome < 2.10) • DSK-308373 (Use xdg-open as handler for unknown files when not running in Gnome or KDE)
Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка
17/09/2010 19:48
[Re: Lan]
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Opera 10.70 build 9049 Beta
Скачать Windows MSI (12,13 Мб)
Скачать Windows Classic (10,27 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (Intel-only) (14,73 Мб)
Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux
В ответ на: 17 changes on the 17th
• DSK-298346 (Start Bar blanked out after opening background tab)
• DSK-312764 (Crash when closing newsfeed tab)
• DSK-311444 (Renaming IMAP folders creates ghost folders)
• DSK-311554 (Overlay dialogs disappear for no reason, making the tab unusable)
• DSK-311692 (Crash when opening a file with Content-Disposition: attachment directly)
• DSK-287134 (Bookmarks dragged out of Mini folder are recreated)
• DSK-277635 (Clicking on the mail notification when minimized does not activate the program window)
• DSK-310875 (Focus lost from Facebook chat box when the text is updated)
• DSK-312868 (F2 does not respect Reuse Current Tab)
• DSK-312114 (Update mail providers list to new Opera Web Mail username)
• DSK-270950 (Opening Dragonfly after switching to different window inspects tab from previous window)
• DSK-299014 (Google Earth plug-in pops up in front even when in background tab)
• DSK-308092 (Opera Link can cause 100% CPU use on start-up)
• DSK-304034 (Start-up crash when deleting certain files in the profile)
• DSK-312477 (Windows 7 crash)
• DSK-278663 (Cannot find executable for printer plug-in)
• DSK-312247 (Lose the extra spyglass but keep a color corrected clear button around)
Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка
22/09/2010 19:27
[Re: Lan]
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Opera 10.70 build 9050 Beta
Скачать Windows MSI (12,14 Мб) Скачать Windows Classic (10,27 Мб) Скачать для Macintosh (Intel-only) (14,73 Мб) Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux
В ответ на: Startup and shutdown profiling
This snapshot introduces our new startup and shutdown profiling. This is a tool for us to get an overview on what is causing slow startup and shutdowns for some users. We hope this tool will let us gather some data on where we should focus our efforts on further improving startup performance.
If the below instructions seem difficult then you probably should not attempt it. But if your comfortable with running the commands, and Opera is slow to startup or shutdown, then please follow the below instructions.
Instructions for Windows 1.Press Windows key + R 2.Drag the Opera shortcut from your Desktop or the opera.exe and drop it on the Run dialog 3.Append "-profilinglog c:\log\opera.txt" after the path (as shown below) 4.Wait for Opera to fully startup before you quit it

Instructions for Mac OS 1.Run the Terminal application (locate using Spotlight) 2.Drag the Opera application to Terminal 3.Append "/Contents/MacOS/Opera -profilinglog ~/Desktop/opera.txt" 4.Wait for Opera to fully startup before you quit it
Instructions for Linux 1.Run "opera -profilinglog ~/opera.txt" 2.Wait for Opera to fully startup before you quit it
You can then submit your unmodified log file as a text file attachment to DSK-314250@bugs.<yourfavoritebrowser>.com. Make sure to include it as an attachment and not in the mail body as attachments will be easier for us to process in volume. No personal information is stored in the logs. Full logs submitted as blog comments will be deleted.
Desktop • Startup and shutdown profiling through "-profilinglog" argument
Mac • DSK-313808 (Some dialogs hides the main window when loosing focus)
Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка
27/09/2010 22:04
[Re: Lan]
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Opera 10.70 build 9053 Beta
Скачать Windows MSI (12,13 Мб) Скачать Windows Classic (10,26 Мб) Скачать для Macintosh (14,73 Мб) Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux
В ответ на: The highlights in this snapshot include: • Frequent “premature shutdowns” fixed • On demand plug-ins option now in the Preference dialog
Desktop/cross-platform • DSK-299046 (Overlapping lines in address field dropdown) • DSK-312986 (Crash when saving file while page redirects) • DSK-313717 (Add opera:config#UserPrefs|EnableOnDemandPlugin to the Preference dialog) • DSK-295433 (100% CPU when Links panel search finds more than 1 result)
Windows • DSK-311379 (Mouse panning not always working) • DSK-311558 (Crash after leaving a tab with a flash with wmode="transparent") • DSK-312213 (Random crash on Window systems with Aero disabled) • DSK-314321 (“Use Opera as default browser” installer option causes a crash)
Mac • DSK-313323 (Standalone widgets crash on exit) (tested) • DSK-312794 (Remove the separator between the address and search field, but keep some empty space as the resizer) • DSK-313321 (Tools: Dragonfly menu entry incorrectly disabled) • DSK-313248 (Edit commands not working in Content Blocker)
Зарегистр: 03/09/2004
Сообщений: 154
Из: .ru
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка
12/10/2010 07:35
[Re: Lan]
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Opera 10.70 build 9067 Beta
Скачать Windows MSI (12,2 Мб) Скачать Windows Classic (10,4 Мб) Скачать для Macintosh (14,8 Мб) Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux
WARNING: This is a development snapshot: It contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all.
Changelog Desktop- DSK-314279 (New note created when clicking empty area of notes list)
- DSK-295578 (Wrong temporary download file used when opening files from download dialog in external editor more than once)
Windows- DSK-313628 (Doesn't run on Windows 2000)
- DSK-245127 (Hebrew (RTL) text with negative letter-spacing hard to read)
Mac- DSK-312788 (New windows opened from keyboard shortcut opens with empty workspace)
- DSK-314900 (Animations stop when opening menus)
- DSK-298447 (Widget have two application menus on Mac OS 10.5)
- DSK-296097 (Interrupted scrolling in address bar drop-down)
- DSK-314886 (View: Toolbars disabled after enabling one toolbar)
- DSK-314917 (Redesigned Close tab button)
- DSK-313510 (White background behind form controls)
- DSK-298558 (Cannot clear file chooser to unset option/restore default on Mac)
- DSK-314033 (Does not always react on mouse-clicks after right-click on context menus)
Linux/FreeBSD- DSK-313761 (Middle-click in edit fields searches on Google as well as pasting)[list]Unite and Widgets[list]
- DSK-313755 (Crash when trying to install widget)
- CORE-21618 (Added preference to enable Unite)
- CORE-29516 (Upgrade Unite preferences)
- CORE-31309 (Unite service announcement contains invalid XML)
- CORE-31431 (Support dir attribute on widget, name, description, author and license elements in config.xml)
- CORE-27980 (Support for multiple icon sizes in widgets)
- CORE-27682 (Control geolocation access by feature element define in widgets)
- CORE-30009 (Empty content element or when set to incorrect namespace crash on loading widget)
- CORE-29377 (Unzip sometimes fails for files with upper case)
- CORE-30216 (Clicking links relative to widget documents opens them in browser)
- CORE-31426 (Widgets don't always have access to network after restart)
- CORE-32161 (Crash when stopping a Unite service twice from service page)
Core- CORE-26063 (Add support for Web Sockets)
- CORE-29054 (Don’t Turbo compression servers when loading plug-ins)
- CORE-31885 (Wrong error message when accessing non-existent property of object)
- CORE-301 (Setting document.title has no effect if document doesn't have a title element)
- CORE-22867 (Navigating to an OGG file should play the video inline)
- CORE-21639 (Add box-decoration-break and update background shorthand)
- CORE-31134 (Password manager loosing passwords after setting and later changing master password)
- CORE-31518 (Windows Media Player plug-in does not load stream when data attribute set but not src attribute)
- CORE-24808 (Header info for plug-in lost after restart)
- CORE-31299 (Label element does not focus select elements)
- CORE-31585 (Clicking a visible label should fire onclick on invisible input)
- CORE-30197 (Using spatial navigation after writing image map to document causes crash)
- CORE-31929 (Random crash on exit)
- CORE-31670 (Layout performance regression)
- CORE-31350 (Can't access page through SSL by direct link)
- CORE-31443 (Ignores the header UserJS with BOM)
- CORE-27927 (Does not show server sent error page for 504 and 417 HTTP error codes)
- CORE-32365 (Too strict same origin rule for cached resources in application cache)
- CORE-31661 (Background of favicon changes on hover)
- CORE-29111 (Scrolled iframe doesn't repaint)
- CORE-503 (Onload for sub-frame documents is not triggered until whole frameset is loaded)
- CORE-28496 (100 iframes pointing to themselves causes 6^100 documents, which makes opera freeze)
- CORE-11754 (Erasing with Control–Backspace can be trigger happy)
- CORE-31569 (SVG color attributes get the wrong string value after changing with RGB Color)
- CORE-31456 (Overflow:hidden hides background image in a transformed (rotated) element)
- CORE-31939 (CSS transform rotate with overflow:hidden clips image)
- CORE-31269 (Crash on canvas)
- CORE-20408 (Drop-down list doesn't have border around it when collapsed)
- CORE-31448 (Wrong position of Shockwave Director inside iframes)
- CORE-31619 (Sends garbage when plugin ask for URL property)
- CORE-30971 (XML document served as text/html can break font switch-writing system)
- CORE-30452 (Google Docs spreadsheet scroll when typing)
- CORE-28972 (mail.qq.com can not finish sending a mail)
- CORE-24224 Acid3 test fails on browserscope.org (reflow during script thread only propagates into 1 level of framed documents)
- CORE-28700 (Appending video element fails after cloneNode)
- CORE-29664 (Second call to xhr.setRequestHeader() throws error. Facebook games fix.)
- CORE-15299 (Missing onload events on images loaded in parallel (non connected images getting garbage collected))
- CORE-30416 (400 Bad Request on The Register because empty cookie value doesn't include an equals sign)
- CORE-28121 (Form input fields with border-radius and no border are invisible)
- CORE-30185 (Popup blocker enhancements)
- CORE-30531 (Google Maps overlay layers not displaying)
- CORE-30824 (NSL on some javascript iframe elements)
- CORE-30872 (DOM 2 Style methods don't work properly on SVG elements
- CORE-30253 (Selection should survive parent DOM update)
- CORE-28037 (Empty wrap attribute ignored on pre element)
- CORE-30058 (selectedIndex wrong after inserting options)
- CORE-30064 (Adding select options at options.length+2 should not insert empty entry)
- CORE-17989 (Should allow cookie mode override in ua.ini)
- CORE-32912 (Value with invalid/unrecognized function doesn't get dropped)
Зарегистр: 18/07/2002
Сообщений: 379
Из: Москва
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка
19/11/2010 10:51
[Re: ysf]
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Продолжение темы - новая еженедельная сборка Opera 11