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Новая еженедельная сборка Opera 11 26/01/2011 20:18

Opera 11 Build 1029 Alpha
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Зарегистр: 29/07/2004
Сообщений: 121
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
11/12/2010 01:57   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

групировка табов удобная вещь, но помойму с ней уже пересторались. открываешь ссылку в фоновым табе и вот они уже сгрупированы. не говоря уже о том что часто при перетаскивание табов случайно их групируеш, а расгрупировать их уже не так просто. уш лучше бы групировка происходила только при удержание какойнить клавиши. может чтото такое уже есть?


Зарегистр: 23/02/2010
Сообщений: 23
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
12/12/2010 06:54   [Re: Mulder]   [post link]  

Ещё одно неудобство в том, что как только все табы сгруппировал, обратно они возвращаются уже не в том порядке в каком были. Так же иногда на одной группе табов выскакивают по две стрелки...


Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
15/12/2010 13:34   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Opera 11.00 build 1149 RC1

Скачать для Windows (8,80 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (13,12 Мб)
Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux

В ответ на:

• More detailed output for "-profilinglog": those affected by slow startup should use this to generate a new log
• Updated Speed Dial background
• Added background image to the find text toolbar, geolocation, and friends and another background image to the bookmarksbar
• Translations strings updated

Tab stacking
• DSK-321939 (With vertical Tab Bar, stacks animate out of the Tab Bar)
• DSK-321956 (Repainting issue when stacking tabs)
• DSK-321965 (Opera freezes when UI animations are disabled and tab is moved)
• DSK-321971 (Cannot move tabs in the middle of a stack to another tab to create a second stack)
• DSK-321990 (Dragging and rearranging stacks can make tabs disappear from UI)
• DSK-321993 (Can not move rightmost tab stack to the left)
• DSK-322020 (Dragging tab into stack can produce two expander arrows)
• Fixed order of tabs dropped when you drop more than one from the window list into and stack or into normal tabs
• Fixed some crashes

• CORE-35166 (Documentedit crash when clearing the undo/redo stack after typing in Hebrew)
• DSK-317885 (Filter icons: need to clear the alpha before painting into the bitmap)
• DSK-320674 (Quick reply messes up body's HTML source when replying to an HTML message when you have "prefer HTML formatting" set)
• DSK-321243 (Mail panel scrollbar doesn't always move when tabbing to out-of-view sections)
• DSK-321295 (Clicking on collapsed section header at bottom of panel doesn't scroll section into view)
• DSK-321296 (Clicking inside long section scrolls other sections out of view)
• DSK-321458 (Gray out 'limit filter to messages in parent' for top-level labels (and rename to 'label'))
• DSK-321556 (Grey out hide feeds when only feeds added to the panel)
• DSK-321623 ([Infobar Button Skin.hover] needs image, not color)
• DSK-321638 (Fix [Yes] in Go to Intranet toolbar)
• DSK-321945 (Content blocker toolbar should be set to 'wrap')
• DSK-322029 (Feed selector in mail view tab toolbar doesn't work with feeds only)
• DSK-322030 ('Label as' list missing in feeds-only installation)
• DSK-322048 (Problems with keyboard navigation in Mailing list panel section)
• Added mail label menu shortcut to the 9.2 Compat keyboard shortcuts
• Fix for broken context menu when using keyboard on accordion section headers
• Fixed an issue with the mailto dialog missing favicons

• Fix for .oex file icon on Windows
• Fixed an issue with the translation of "Extensions" in the O-Menu

• Numerous small tweaks and fixes to the Windows installer
• Possible fix for recreation of 'desktop.ini': we are interested to hear if this works for affected users


Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
15/12/2010 13:40   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Opera 11.00 build 1152 RC2

Скачать для Windows (8,84 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (13,12 Мб)
Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux

В ответ на:

• DSK-321517 (Some action labels do not fit in visual mouse gesture UI)

Tab stacking
• DSK-321946 (Tab dragging bug)
• DSK-321974 (Trying to merge stacks can cause them to split)
• DSK-322060 (scrambled address field)
• DSK-322105 (some reproducible tab stacking issues)
• DSK-322179 (Crash when dragging and dropping an item to the last position on the tab bar)
• Correction of drop position for drag & drop of links
• Fixed dragging collapsed group out of expanded group at the left end and right end of tab bar
• Set the top button of collapsed group dropped into expanded group as the active for the group
• Fixed setting of the active and hidden tabs in groups when the mouse up occurs

• Further fix to DSK-317885 (filter icons: need to clear the alpha before painting into the bitmap)
• DSK-321902 (After removing an item from a treeview, key down to next section doesn't work)
• DSK-315824 (Contacts panel not counted as mail related panel)

• Further fix to CORE-31929 (Crash on exit)
• More crash fixes


Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
16/12/2010 11:50   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Opera 11.00 build 1156 RC3

Скачать для Windows (8,90 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (13,18 Мб)
Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux

В ответ на:

• DSK-322230 (Speed Dial numbers cropped)
• DSK-322060 (Occasional small address field)
• DSK-322195 (Crash when clicking undo in some online HTML editors)
• Increased padding on Address field badge skin

Tab Stacking
• DSK-322240 (Tab stacks look wrong when wrapping to multiple lines)
• DSK-322054 (Crash when dragging out stacked page thumbnail with shift-key)

• DSK-322192 (Strings are cut in Extension installer in some languages)
• DSK-322206 (Clicking on notification about Extension's installation doesn't open manager)
• DSK-322204 (Wide spaces between some characters in dialogs)

• DSK-322193 (Crash when installing or uninstalling Opera)
• DSK-322207 (Windows installer Terms of service title does not update after changing language)
• New installer graphics

• Added expand / collapse buttons to the OS X
• Fixed positioning of the arrows
• Skin fixes and tweaks

• DSK-322045 (Crash related to fonts)


Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
16/12/2010 12:06   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Opera 11 goes final

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Доступны списки изменений:
для Windows,Macintosh и для Linux/FreeBSD


Зарегистр: 26/02/2008
Сообщений: 63
Из: Северодвинск
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
09/01/2011 01:58   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

чё-та заглохло с обновками-то...


Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
09/01/2011 21:33   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Opera 11.01 build 1160 Beta

Скачать для Windows (8,86 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (13,18 Мб)
Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux

В ответ на:
This is a snapshot of Opera 11.01, a possible future minor/bugfix release for Opera 11.


• Mouse gesture sensitivity/recognition fixes
• Several crash fixes (Dragonfly reload, file download, extension autoupdate, search suggestions, mail account dropdown, and more)

• Several crash fixes
• CORE-1377 Support DOM3 window.DOMStringList
• CORE-6716 Script element re-executed if child text changes
• CORE-8390 HTMLElement.toString() throwing an exception for all HTMLElement prototypes
• CORE-32425 Crash when clicking a link twice
• CORE-34292 Touch event attributes misnamed in SVG
• CORE-30292 Cross-network warning misfires
• CORE-33886 opera:config cannot do cross-domain xmlhttprequest after reloading
• CORE-28407 Small amount of alphanumeric characters breaks the heuristic language detection
• CORE-17830 href property for import returns resolved URL instead of original string
• CORE-16738 Dynamically added stylesheet fails to apply if rel attribute is set after href attribute
• CORE-23627 Add name and align as HTMLEmbedElement members
• CORE-27624 Pressing Enter in <input type="number"> doesn't submit form
• CORE-33113 Default margin on body is 5px when the document is in an iframe, should be 8px
• CORE-28251 Fragment identifier matching needs to allow ID to override NAME
• CORE-20367 textContent creates multiple text nodes from big (>32000 characters) string
• CORE-18529 DocumentType not prototypable
• CORE-34298 Empty script elements still have an empty text node child
• CORE-33964 Feed preview fix
• CORE-28782 Windowed plugin not shown if displayed inside positioned iframe with overflow container

• DSK-322193 Crash when installing or uninstalling Opera
• DSK-316074 No File Lock window on upgrade when Opera is running on Windows 2000
• DSK-306014 Several processes when upgrading on limited Windows Vista/7 account
• DSK-320566 Problems after MSI update that requires reboot
• DSK-321901 Opera creates a file called desktop.ini and places it on the desktop
• DSK-322333 Switching languages in the winstaller does not change the language in the help tooltip
• DSK-323419 Error code 76 if the MSI uninstallation fails to find the source package

• DSK-288233 Streaming Silverlight will not display (NRK nett-TV)
• DSK-320146 Scroll bar not shown properly in M2
• DSK-322782 Window switching keyboard shortcut not working (Command-`)
• DSK-208657 Enable Mac OS' File Quarantine


Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
12/01/2011 18:37   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Opera 11.01 build 1164 Beta

Скачать для Windows (8,86 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (13,18 Мб)
Скачать для FreeBSD/Linux

В ответ на:
11.01 snapshot: Mail improvements, crash logging and widget detection on Mac, and faster DNS resolution on Linux/FreeBSD

• Fresh batch of mail improvements
• Experimental changes to the crash logger on Mac (more)
• Changed how Opera is detected during widget start-up on Mac (more)
• Slow DNS responses due to IPv6 fixed on Linux/FreeBSD (more)

Known issues
• No FreeBSD 32bit builds this time


• DSK-287668 (Delete Private Data/Clear all e-mail account passwords doesn't do anything)
• DSK-312140 (HushMail mailproviders entry needs updating)
• DSK-312143 (Add MobileMe Mail—me.com—to mail providers)
• DSK-319534 (mail bodies sometimes not loading in single message view)
• DSK-321903 (Settings lost for POP views after restart)
• DSK-321984 (Unread count in Mail panel button not updated)
• DSK-322280 (Crash when changing M2 account)
• DSK-322369 (Default font for HTML mail compsition): also fixes an issue with dir=rtl that was inserted in the wrong place in the html
• DSK-322795 (Mail Toolbar instead of Feed Toolbar shown when searching in 'feeds only' installation)
• DSK-322822 (Right click context menu in Mail panel section headers misplaced when the section is expanded)
• DSK-322869 (Wrong right click context menu in the Mail Toolbar search field)
• DSK-324498 (crash on trying to edit two links in mail compose at once)
• Partial fix for DSK-321557 (can't send mail during mail database loading): disabling the send action while loading the mail database
• Solved issues with alpha channel for filter icons
• Fix crash for creating folders when no item selected in the feed section
• Fixed index sizes above 2 GB that have negative values in the mail panel window
• Made it possible to open the mail panel as a tab when only using feeds
• Fixed some issues with the mail panel context menu when only using feeds
• Fixed an issure where if the signature is wrong, account doesn't load on startup
• Made the signature editor a bit nicer
• Fixed an issue where the html formatting toolbar was always drawn as 4px height grey bar in the compose window
• Showing feeds when showing a mail account (show messages from)
• Improved html replying and forwarding formatting

• CORE-32574 (typekit webfont test page needs reload to show webfonts)
• CORE-33751 (Iframe with document.domain is not allowed to open parent's document)
• CORE-35257 (Cannot submit forms with input[type="search"] pressing enter)
• CORE-35316 (Deeply nested (5+ levels) iframe doesn't load in Analytix)
• CORE-35651 (Crash when clicking in a dropdown on a wap page)

• DSK-313056 (Opera crashes when downloading to a non accessible target)

• DSK-310741 (Change widget's linking to Opera resources and fix widget localisation)
• DSK-323392 (Experimental changes to the crash logger)

• CORE-35606 (Do not look-up IPv6 addresses if a working IPv4 route is available)
• DSK-323440 (Crash on exit in some Gtk environments after using the file selector)


Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
18/01/2011 19:38   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Opera 11.01 build 1169 Beta

Скачать для Windows (8,85 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (13,18 Мб)
Скачать для Linux/FreeBSD

В ответ на:
11.01 snapshot with several crash fixes

Known issues
Profile-Guided Optimization is temporarily disabled on Linux/FreeBSD. Resulting in a slight performance dip: it will be back on before the final
• Linux/FreeBSD has a slightly higher build number: related to disabled PGO (there are no other changes)


• CORE-32345 (Crash on closing a tab for some users)

• DSK-320914 (Corrected the wording for some html5 form errors)
• DSK-322420 (Crash when opening some downloaded files)
• DSK-322469 (Default size of searchfield is changed (unintentionally) on Opera 11)
• Fixed several commonly reported crashes reported by our crash logging tool
• Some skin fixes and tweaks


Зарегистр: 26/07/2004
Сообщений: 71
Из: Новг. обл. Старая Русса
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
20/01/2011 11:36   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Установил, теперь почта не отображается в учетках отдельно. Всё видно только в общей куче((((


Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
20/01/2011 19:17   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Opera 11.01 build 1175 Beta

Скачать для Windows (8,89 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (13,18 Мб)
Скачать для Linux/FreeBSD

В ответ на:
Another 11.01 snapshot with even more crashfixes


• CORE-32345 (Crash on page load on some sites, vkontakte.ru)
• CORE-35650 (Severe repaint issues on Facebook)

• DSK-326050 (Installer crash when upgrading a running copy of Opera)

• DSK-326062 (2011 signing keys in Debian packages)


Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
21/01/2011 22:59   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Opera 11.01 build 1179 Beta

Скачать для Windows (8,85 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (13,18 Мб)
Скачать для Linux/FreeBSD

В ответ на:
Opera Portable for Mac (USB)

Linux/FreeBSD and Windows users can sit this one out, and skip straight to the changelog.

Opera Portable for Mac Installation:
1. Download and mount the disk image
2. Drag Opera from the disk image to an USB stick or external drive
3. Open Terminal.app and drag Opera from the USB stick and drop it ontop of the Terminal window
4. Press backspace once then type /Contents/MacOS/Opera -createsingleprofile (should read …Opera.app/Contents…) then press Enter

Known issues
• If Opera crashes immediately on start-up than please opt to restart Opera without extensions.


• CORE-32762 (Crash prevention for spell checking)
• CORE-35898 (URI fragment identifier wasn't being exposed in all URIs)
• CORE-35350 (Expose the widget object to extension scripts)

• DSK-324730 (Crash on printing Trafikanten.no)
• DSK-309863 (Disk cache in Turbo mode prematurely emptied after bringing up a context menu)
• DSK-321933 (Deactivate auto-reload in speed dials when the address changes)
• DSK-322244 (Pinned tabs too wide with a collapsed tab stack)

• DSK-324504 (No close button on tabs that are not selected)

• DSK-326380 (Opera Portable/USB for Mac and single profile)
• DSK-323299 (Optimize bookmark menu updating. Prevents freeze on keyboard input.)

Windows users can run Opera from USB by running the installer and changing the setting under Options: Install for: Stand-alone installation (USB). Linux/FreeBSD users can extract the tarballs directly to a USB thumb drive.



Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
25/01/2011 20:27   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Opera 11.01 build 1189 RC1

Скачать для Windows (8,85 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (13,18 Мб)
Скачать для Linux/FreeBSD

В ответ на:

• Fixed some common crashes

An update reminder to Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Debian users (or anyone else on a Debian based distro)


Зарегистр: 15/01/2005
Сообщений: 381
Из: Україна, Київ
Re: Новая еженедельная сборка new 
26/01/2011 20:18   [Re: Lan]   [post link]  

Opera 11.01 build 1190 RC2

Скачать для Windows (8,85 Мб)
Скачать для Macintosh (13,18 Мб)
Скачать для Linux/FreeBSD

В ответ на:
This snapshot has been placed on the Windows and Mac auto-update server. We'd appreciate feedback on how that works for you. Remember however that you will need to enable opera:config#AutoUpdate|DownloadAllSnapshots

Known minor issue:
• Mac disk image background says ‘10.6.’


• Fixed some common crashes

• Fixed installer errors on Windows Vista and Windows 7

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Opera браузер >> Opera for Windows

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